Davis Hydro, LLC
A Davis Collaborative Company


The Avery Site in on The Winnipesaukee River In Downtown Laconia

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Powerhouse looking downstream

Crest gates to the right. Note the lifting yard beam over the trash racks.  The hydraulic actuating cylinders are clear in blue.  The waste gate is on the far left, and the crest gates are invisible under the "Danger" sign.

Looking upstream

Notice the yellow leaf boom on the right disconnected for the spring.

Powerhouse on right looking south

The dam and flashboards in foreground.  The red factory on the far side is empty.

Main entrance through mill courtyard

Looking from City Hall.  The gates lead to an abandon turbine under the mill building on the right.

Looking upstream

A new community park is on the left.  The red bridge is heavily used and carries pedestrians over to a major residential area of Laconia.

Waste gate

This is used regularly to during gate cleaning cycle.  We are increasing the security in this area as kids swim here. 


The gate at the far end of the right hand mill building is the entrance to the dam and powerhouse.  There is no other easy way to the dam.  The Red mill on the right is full of city related council members' offices and lawyers.

Control Room

The control room is fairly quiet and well lit.   The controls are in need or replacement.  The windows also need replacement, as they have been broken by the local boys throwing stones.

Level Sensor

This is mounted next to the court yard at a distance from the dam.

Powerhouse Main Floor

Turbines are in water below the circular covers.  The room is large so that work can take place inside on the turbines.  The ladder leads to a storage loft.

Crest Gates

These gates continually vary in level to maintain pond height.  Note the flashboards on the left, the open crest gate in the middle, and a partial open gate on the right.

The red building is City Hall.

Trash Rack and Waste Gate

The trash rack is steep, wide and short given that the bottom is only about 8 feet down.  The black rail is for safety. 

Wooden gates can be seen in almost open position on the right.


Winter Scene

The deep snow makes work on the dam difficult.


Currently, Avery is generating between 1.41 and 1.82 GWH per year on about 10 feet of head average.  There are two large Flyght Turbines - with a total capacity of about 450 kW.  They each pass roughly 250 cfs at 10 feet of head. 


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© 2003, Davis Hydro
A Davis Collaborative Company

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