Davis Hydro, LLC
A Davis Collaborative Company


Pit 4 Diversion Pictures

Down Stream Powerhouse Location

Pictures in this area shows the lower power house locations under various flow conditions. It is located about 150 feet down stream in the the borrow pit just downstream of the wing wall.

Click on the picture to see these pictures.

The Inlet Area

These pictures show the PG&E Diversion Structure and the area where there will be a new trash diversion curtain will be installed to keep woody debris in the river.

Click on the picture to see these pictures.

Upper Powerhouse Location

The upper power house location under consideration is on the wing wall between the dam and the river release gate

Click on the picture to see these pictures.

Details of the River Release Inlet

These show details of the trash rack or Grizzly that may have to be modified to accomodate the increased release flows.

Click on the picture to see these pictures.


© 2003, Davis Hydro
A Davis Collaborative Company

Web design/maintenance by Documagik